Flora YTW

很多人都有過成為音樂製作人一展所長的想法。倫敦長大的 Flora YTW 憑著對音樂的熱誠及才華,曾到倫敦、紐約、東京及西班牙的Ibiza島等各地的大小場合當 DJ 及音樂編輯,更擁有在雜誌 Dazed and Confused 音樂部門六年的工作經驗。喜愛 House 和 Techno 的 Flora 亦於今年加人 W Hotel 的大家庭,在這間標榜設計及音樂元素的年輕酒店品牌任職 W Music Curator (暫譯: 音樂總監) 。今次我們邀請了 Flora 大談她的工作及個人音樂喜好。

X:《Milk X》 F:Flora YTW


X:Would you please send your birthday greeting to Milk X 8th anniversary?

可以為《Milk X》八週年送上祝賀語嗎?

F:Happy 8th Bday! Still a young'un!



X:Please share your luckiest incident that has ever happened in your life.


F:I can't really narrow it down but being able to travel the world and play music feels pretty lucky!


X:What is your role as a W Music Curator? 


F:My role is to look after the musical direction of W Hong Kong, so booking new and interesting artists/DJs, curating parties involving the W brand’s passion points of music, fashion & design and also being a resident DJ myself.



X:What inspired you?


F:New underground music and fashion labels, conceptual art, good writers and travelling all inspire me. 



X:What was your favourite party this year so far? 


F:The Future Brown show at Oslo in Hackney, East London earlier this year before IMOVED to Hong Kong. A dozen MCs got on stage as the super-group made up of artists NGUZUNGUZU, Fatima Al Qadiri and J-Cush made their debut performance.


X:What are your music predictions?


F:I'm thinking the wave of hyper-pop post-Internet musicians and visual artists are already suffering a backlash but can only grow bigger.

我認為那些post-internet 的超流行歌手與玩視覺藝術的音樂人彼此反衝,但絕對會是音樂界的大趨勢。


X:The track you always play to rescue a dance floor?


F:Hackney Parrot VIP (feat Tessela) - Special Request


X:The best track from your favourite new artist?


F:Enemy (MA Nguzu Ironsoul Edit) - Kelela


X:If you were gifted with a superhuman power, what would it be?


F:Endless stomach space.



X:If you were not W Music Curator, where and what would you be doing now?


F:Travelling to weird places and making music



X:Where can we actually get access to your music creations, apart from going to the hotel ourselves?

除了親身去到 W 酒店的 Woobar,哪裡可以欣賞到你個人的音樂作品?

F:I will upload my music to my personal blog.

